Your Path to Social Media Success Starts Here

As a dedicated social media management agency, we harness the full potential of your social channels to drive your brand's success. Our approach combines cutting-edge AI technology, data-driven insights, and agile responses to market dynamics, ensuring that your social media marketing strategy seamlessly aligns with your broader digital objectives.

We're social experts

Social media is one of the most effective methods of promoting your business online, but it requires hard work and knowledge. Our team has years of marketing experience and knowledge.

Great pricing

Marketing can be expensive, but we pride ourselves on our affordable social media management. Our memberships start from as little as £99 per month, a price all small businesses can afford.

Relax, we've got this!

We know you’re busy. If you don’t have the time to create new content and engage with an audience on social media (or don’t want to), you can depend on us to run your accounts.

Strategy Creation

The map or plan containing your social media goals, steps to achieve them, a corresponding timeline and metrics to track progress

The social media management definition isn’t complete without a mention of strategy. It’s the master plan, and it helps you visualise what business social media management looks like for you. Some major factors to consider are which platforms to capitalise on, who your audience is, what types of content to produce, what key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure.

Engagement Monitoring

The process of responding to comments, questions and interactions with all social media content and profiles and continuing conversation initiated by fans.

Studies show that an average of two-thirds of consumers desire a connection with brands. It makes sense, then, to strive to facilitate two-way communication every chance you get. This is true for all of your social platforms, even when you’re deploying Instagram management services or exploring TikTok management solutions using mostly video content.

Social engagement through conversion rate optimisation

The importance of social media

Boost Your Online Presence

We understand the pivotal role social media plays in modern digital marketing. Our expert team is dedicated to crafting and executing a tailored social media strategy that aligns with your brand’s unique identity and goals. We employ data-driven insights, AI tools, and agile strategies to keep your social media channels vibrant and engaging. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost sales, our social media management services are designed to deliver results.

Backed by data

Data-Driven Social Media Strategies

Unlock the full potential of your social media platforms with our data-driven approach. We dive deep into analytics, monitoring user engagement, audience behavior, and campaign performance. This wealth of information allows us to fine-tune your social media strategy continuously. From content creation to ad campaigns, we use real-time insights to adapt and optimize, ensuring your brand stays relevant and resonates with your target audience. We offer a holistic approach to social media management, including content creation, scheduling, community engagement, and paid advertising. With us, you’ll experience increased brand visibility, improved customer engagement, and measurable ROI. It’s time to leverage the power of social media for your business’s success.

Your customers are on social media

There are nearly 4 billion people on social media, and that number continues to increase each year. This signifies that regardless of your company’s industry, your customers are actively using social media every day. It’s crucial to maintain their engagement and connection with your brand, ensuring that you remain their preferred choice. Why not place your brand in front of them while they’re already scrolling?

Likewise, if your company offers a valuable product or service, there are people actively searching for it. Ensure that you establish an online presence to connect with them during their search! As mentioned earlier, our search engine marketing services assist you in appearing at the forefront of search results on platforms such as Google. Furthermore, social media platforms like Instagram are now incorporating their own SEO processes! For instance, you can optimise your Instagram account to surface in search results for terms relevant to your business (and we’re not just referring to hashtags or location tags; we mean standard search queries in the search bar!). Moreover, if someone clicks through to your website from a search query on Google, Instagram, or any other platform, social media can be used to retarget that traffic and bring them back to your site repeatedly until they make a conversion. In summary, our social media management service will assist your business in harnessing the power of social media effectively, generating new leads and sales.

You need to stand out from the crowd

77.6% of small businesses have stated that they use social media to promote their businesses. If you are not effectively utilizing social media to reach and convert your target audience, it’s likely that your competition is. The challenge is that most business owners and startups lack the time to manage all of their social media channels. Even if they do, they may not always know the most effective strategies to surpass their competition. Simply being on social media isn’t enough; you need to implement a strategy tailored to your business. This is where we step in. Our expert marketing team has the expertise to handle all the heavy lifting for you and propel you ahead of your competition.

Your customers are active on social media, and it’s essential to engage with them, become a part of the conversation, and respond. Whether your page receives direct comments and messages or there’s a general discussion about the products and services you offer, you want to stay on top of it. Our social media management services focus on highlighting the positive aspects of your company, responding promptly and effectively to any direct messages you receive (whether positive or otherwise), and initiating relevant conversations to enhance your engagement. The more online touchpoints you can establish with someone, the greater the likelihood of fostering brand recognition and converting them into a customer in the future.

Join Content Creators Blackpool

Save up to 50% on Websites With Our Membership Pricing Plans

Whether you're in the early stages of building your online presence or aiming to enhance your current strategies, our membership plans provide a dedicated team of experts to help you achieve your goals. With a range of features and benefits, these plans ensure you receive consistent and tailored support for your business needs.

Frequently Asked Questions 🤔

Explore some of our Frequently Asked Questions to get answers about our social media services.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please use the button below to reach out.

Get in touch
  • Can I still post on my accounts when I sign up?

    Absolutely. We encourage clients to engage with their social media accounts at their own pace and add their own content as they find the time. The level of your involvement is entirely up to you. If you’re too occupied to manage anything on social media, you can rest assured that we’re taking care of your accounts.

  • Do I have to sign a minimum-term contract?

    We understand that situations can change, and budgets for marketing may not always be available. We bill our clients in advance for the upcoming month. At the end of the month, you have the option to decide whether to renew or take breaks and return as needed.

  • How do you keep your pricing down, what’s the catch?

    Some social media management companies charge over £500 for our entry-level plan. At Content Creators Blackpool, we operate with efficiency and a highly-skilled team, enabling us to provide our packages at an affordable price. We don’t include extras such as monthly reporting or catch-up calls as standard, unlike some other agencies.

  • Do you use AI to generate content?

    No! While platforms like OpenAI are undoubtedly fascinating, we believe they can’t quite replicate the human touch at this point. All our social media content is crafted with care by our team of humans, right from our home office in Blackpool. We utilise tools such as Photoshop, Canva, and Buffer to assist us in creating and scheduling our content.

  • How does the process work after I sign up?

    We will send you an email to gather more information about your business, connect you to our social media scheduling tool, and begin our work. Our goal is to move from signup to launch within 10 working days, though the timeline may be slightly extended depending on our current workloads.

  • Do you provide the content for my site?

    Certainly! We’re more than happy to assist you with the content for your web page. At Pixflow, our team of experts specialises in creating compelling and engaging content tailored to your business and target audience. Whether it’s crafting captivating product descriptions, writing informative blog posts, or developing persuasive copy for your homepage, we have the skills and expertise to provide you with high-quality content that showcases your brand effectively. Let us take care of the content creation process, allowing you to focus on running your business and delivering an exceptional shopping experience to your customers.