Growing Comedy Fesitval Annual Event

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Bespoke Event Hosting Website Built For Speed

Supercharging an events site with advanced, bespoke features & focusing heavily on UX.

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The Brief

Content Creators Blackpool collaborated with Blackpool Comedy Festival to develop a bespoke website tailored to their unique requirements. The project aimed to create an online platform that not only showcased the festival’s events but also streamlined the management process. Leveraging WordPress as the content management system, Bricks Builder for intuitive design, and plugins like The Events Calendar and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), the team created a dynamic website with seamless integration of events, venues, and acts. In addition to these components, FluentCRM was strategically implemented to manage customer relationships and streamline marketing efforts. Custom-built forms with webhooks were integrated to capture customer data efficiently, minimising the use of extra plugins and ensuring optimal website speed.

The key objectives of the project included building a user-friendly backend for effortless content management and providing limited access functionality for venue owners to submit events for approval. This involved intricate backend development to ensure simplicity in adding events and linking venues and acts. The use of The Events Calendar plugin facilitated easy event management, while ACF enhanced data management and functionality.

The website’s design was bespoke, reflecting the vibrancy and spirit of the Blackpool Comedy Festival. It seamlessly integrated event information, venue details, and act profiles to provide users with a comprehensive experience. Additionally, a secure system was implemented to enable venue owners to submit events for approval by administrators, fostering collaboration and efficiency.

Overall, Content Creators Blackpool delivered a dynamic and user-centric website that met the specific requirements of Blackpool Comedy Festival. The integration of advanced technologies, including FluentCRM and custom-built forms with webhooks, alongside intuitive design elements, has positioned the festival as a premier destination for comedy enthusiasts, contributing to its growth and success in the hospitality and tourism industry.


Hospitality & Tourism


Bespoke Event Management Website


Bricks Builder
The Events Calendar
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

Built with
Custom Animations

The Blackpool Comedy Festival website boasts a captivating array of custom animations, meticulously crafted to enhance user engagement and visual appeal. From captivating SVG draw animations adorning icons throughout the site to a bespoke sidebar menu tailored for intuitive navigation, every aspect of the website is imbued with dynamic movement and interactivity. These custom animations not only elevate the user experience but also reflect the festival’s vibrant energy and commitment to innovation in digital design.

Strategy Plan

The strategy for the Blackpool Comedy Festival website project involved a collaborative approach with the client to understand their goals and audience. Leveraging WordPress with Bricks Builder, The Events Calendar, and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), we crafted a roadmap focusing on robust design, seamless event management, and enhanced user experience. Custom animations and intuitive navigation were key components, ensuring engagement and ease of use. Regular communication and feedback loops ensured alignment with the client’s vision, resulting in a bespoke website that surpassed expectations and positioned the festival as a premier destination in the industry.

Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring for the Blackpool Comedy Festival website was integral to ensuring its ongoing success. Utilising a combination of analytics tools such as Google Analytics and performance monitoring plugins, we established a comprehensive monitoring system. Key performance indicators (KPIs) including page load times, bounce rates, and user engagement metrics were continuously tracked and analysed. Regular audits and optimisation efforts were conducted to identify and address any performance bottlenecks, ensuring optimal website performance and user experience. This was imperitive to enhance the overall user experience of the site.

A team that’s fun to work with, surprises you with ideas, and wows you with results

Digital discovery

We employ our data-driven approach to delve deeply into your site. Subsequently, we utilise this data to shape our strategy for your project, ensuring that we focus on the areas that will yield the finest results.


We possess deep engineering expertise, proficient in handling both complex headless and integrated CMS & CRM solutions. This makes us a reliable partner you can count on.

Experienced design

Our user experience and design teams are consistently working to ensure that our products are user-friendly, practical, and a joy for everyone to use, no matter what their level of technology is.


Utilising tools such as Google Analytics and GT Metrix, we compile a comprehensive report on your website's performance. Our optimisation ensures that your website keeps improving.


We recognise the significance of keeping your business online around the clock and have established an infrastructure to guarantee our availability whenever you require our assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions 🤔

Explore some of our Frequently Asked Questions to get answers about our social media services.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please use the button below to reach out.

Get in touch
  • Can I still post on my accounts when I sign up?

    Absolutely. We encourage clients to engage with their social media accounts at their own pace and add their own content as they find the time. The level of your involvement is entirely up to you. If you’re too occupied to manage anything on social media, you can rest assured that we’re taking care of your accounts.

  • Do I have to sign a minimum-term contract?

    We understand that situations can change, and budgets for marketing may not always be available. We bill our clients in advance for the upcoming month. At the end of the month, you have the option to decide whether to renew or take breaks and return as needed.

  • How do you keep your pricing down, what’s the catch?

    Some social media management companies charge over £500 for our entry-level plan. At Content Creators Blackpool, we operate with efficiency and a highly-skilled team, enabling us to provide our packages at an affordable price. We don’t include extras such as monthly reporting or catch-up calls as standard, unlike some other agencies.

  • Do you use AI to generate content?

    No! While platforms like OpenAI are undoubtedly fascinating, we believe they can’t quite replicate the human touch at this point. All our social media content is crafted with care by our team of humans, right from our home office in Blackpool. We utilise tools such as Photoshop, Canva, and Buffer to assist us in creating and scheduling our content.

  • How does the process work after I sign up?

    We will send you an email to gather more information about your business, connect you to our social media scheduling tool, and begin our work. Our goal is to move from signup to launch within 10 working days, though the timeline may be slightly extended depending on our current workloads.

  • Do you provide the content for my site?

    Certainly! We’re more than happy to assist you with the content for your web page. At Pixflow, our team of experts specialises in creating compelling and engaging content tailored to your business and target audience. Whether it’s crafting captivating product descriptions, writing informative blog posts, or developing persuasive copy for your homepage, we have the skills and expertise to provide you with high-quality content that showcases your brand effectively. Let us take care of the content creation process, allowing you to focus on running your business and delivering an exceptional shopping experience to your customers.

Ready to create
some magic?

Our expert team are passionate storytellers who know how to craft narratives that resonate with your target audience. We understand that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't resonate with your unique identity and objectives. That's why we take a tailor-made approach to website design, ensuring that every pixel and element aligns seamlessly with your brand's aesthetics, values, and goals.
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